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Our Mission

We Have a Mission. BCHS Grade 10 BizKidz, a group of hardworking, enthusiastic young adults, are eager to run a real business. They will host a profitable public skating event to raise awareness and create a fun environment to unite and engage the community to help break the cycle of poverty. Funds will contribute to Live Different’s goals of creating change for the globally less fortunate members of society.

For our age we know that we have taken on a great responsibility in our roles, whether they are coordinators or employees. We have decided that we will use our reputation and influence as BCHS BizKidZ to create a project of great deeds. We have taken it upon ourselves to take this mission to heart, regardless of our personal lives. Our goal is to not just help the people in the third world, but to inspire students around us as well. After all, it takes only one action to change the lives of many others.   

About Us

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